ホーム > INES Corporation TOP > Responsibilities > Environmental policy

Environmental policy

Since its foundation, INES has provided information processing services that support the activities of many organizations and companies, including cities, towns and villages across Japan, as well as financial organizations.

Core Philosophy

By providing information processing services, INES seeks to not only help customers be more efficient in their business activities but also contribute to the establishment a sound foundation for building a sustainable society. Based on this philosophy, we make every effort to protect our irreplaceable global environment.

Basic Policies

  • We shall make every effort to conserve resources and energy, reduce waste and prevent pollution in all of our business activities.
  • By providing solutions and services, we shall contribute to reducing the burden placed on the environment by our customers.
  • Our business activities shall comply with relevant laws and regulations and other requirements agreed upon by the Corporation.
  • To promote activities aimed at environmental protection, we shall strive to achieve the objectives and goals set under our Environmental Management System. We shall regularly evaluate our progress with a view to ongoing improvement of the system.
  • The intent of our environmental policy and environmental preservation activities shall be publicized throughout the Corporation with the aim of raising the awareness of all employees.
  • This environmental policy shall be disclosed to interests outside the Corporation upon request.

INES Corporation
President & Representative Director
Shuji Hattori


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